The Bronze Security Product is a good choice for companies with lower-end IT Security and documentation needs. It includes a basic set of policies that smaller companies would find useful. The product includes:
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
This large and far-reaching policy communicates to users how the network may be used. This policy covers such areas as personal use of email and the Internet, blogging, excessive use, peer-to-peer file sharing, personal storage media, user software installation, instant messaging, monitoring, copyright infringement, prohibited activities, and much more.
Password Policy
Covers minimum acceptable standards for network authentication, including password standards, use, and frequency of change. The policy also includes user guidelines for creating secure and easy-to-remember passwords.
Backup Policy
Presents the company’s backup strategy, including identification of critical systems and data, frequency of incremental and full backups, responsibilities of backup administrator, storage of backups, offsite rotation, restoration procedures, and more.
Network Access and Authentication Policy
Covers the corporate standards for accessing the network, including such topics as account setup and use, authentication methods, minimum configurations, off-hours access, and more.
User Acceptance Page
A signature page wherein the user accepts the user-oriented policies (in the Bronze Product these are the AUP and Password Policy) and agrees to abide by their contents.